Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Another Slice of Life...

I am hungry...super hungry. STARVING. Have not eaten since lunch at noon. The time is now 6:15 in the evening.

"Mama did you cook today?" I ask.
"Not yet, get a snack" she shouts back through the walls.

Cheez It's...GREAT! I'm not sure how I am gonna do this but I have to try.

Push it to the back....waaaay to the back. I can't chew. Bite? Not quite. I can make it work.

Mash...using the roof of my mouth. Swallow...

...4 Cheez Its in....UGH! (frustration has built)

I can't!!! Someone else has to eat them. A whole year of this?! How will I ever survive?

No one warned me of the pain, anguish, and aggravation of learning to eat with braces.

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